Getting back on the Blogging Horse


Confession: I have honestly not blogged in years. Several years. Not because I don't want to, or have nothing to blog... it has sat on my to do list for a couple years. I have plain old not had the time. With 4 kids at home, life is really busy, and most days don't leave me with enough hours in the day to do all the things I want to do. SO, the long and short of it, blogging has had to take a backseat to, well, life. 

Here we are though, starting our new blogging adventure that I'm going to try and be really consistent at! TRY being the key word, but one day at a time! We are going to start with some oldies but goodies, senior sessions that is. This is the beautiful, and really creatively talented Taylor. She wants to be a special effects/movie makeup artist. Super cool to see what she's done!  

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